Friday, September 01, 2006

little deaths...

We enter into this world crying, we leave this world as others cry and in between there are little deaths and resurrections that make life worth living. Today is my last day at a job, surrounded by people I have come to love so very dearly. I have been with them when family members die. I have watched their kids grow up. I have leaned on them when my dad was so sick. I have laughed with them, joked around with them and loved them all (even when I didn't always like them all!)

Today is one of those little deaths. And today is also a little resurrection. A glimmer of hope. A spark of life beyond the walls of this pink palace that I have come to know so well. A little adventure into the next phase of life. A chance to laugh and dance and sing with a whole new group of people. I want to say that I won't love them like I love these folk, but I know that's not true. They will enter into my heart and I will love them.

But right now, I think I need another box of kleenex to catch the tears.

1 comment:

Aurora said...

Wow. Good word. Little deaths. Yup, I've experienced a few. But then I get to the point where it's like "waaa, no more deaths, please!...." good thing God never gives us more than we can handle...especially since we don't have to bear them alone. Much love, cuz!