Saturday, December 23, 2006

Virgin Mary for sale on ebay... again

Her image that is... another Mary sighting up for sale on the worlds largest Auction site eBay.

Now I've seen everything. A while ago someone was trying to sell a half eaten grilled cheese sandwich with a toasted in image of the virgin Mary.... ah... no. But the bidding went wild on it!

I guess this guy is hoping to cash in on the same thing. This time some guy has found the the virgin Mary in his beer. Perhaps alcohol is one way to explain some of these Mary sightings - this one just looks like a bubbly stick figure - good imagination to call it Mary and sell a photo of it on ebay... I'll give him an A for creativity... that perhaps makes up for the failing grade he'd get in taste!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I really enjoy Google images and just for fun I thought I’d take a peek under the general heading of Christmas to see what pops up. 4 out of the first 100 images were actually Christian art and not Santa or trees. Four. That’s it. That means only 4% of what people first see about Christmas from this site, actually has anything to do with celebrating the birth of our Lord.

Though somewhat discouraged, I went to send an e-card. Hallmark also does e-cards and under the heading Christmas, there are 4 categories (listed in this order)

Classic – pretty pictures of wreaths and fires.
Humour – (actually it’s spelled without the “u” but I can’t do that…) cat’s in Santa hats, sumo Santa and snowmen
Cute – overly sentimental little bunnies circling giant trees and skating cartoon penguins
Religion is the lowest on the list.

Christ’s Mass, the whole notion of the Birth of our Lord… last on the list. But even these religious cards, there are only images of peace and serenity. No hint that this child will revolutionize the world. That he will upend the social norms and the cultures of the day in favour of love and compassion and a desire to serve our fellow human beings. I think we miss out on a lot when we don’t see the little manger in the shadow of the cross. If we only see the nice, quiet peaceful Jesus instead of the one who challenged religious authority and shook the foundations of the status quo, we’re missing out. We miss the Jesus who advocates for social justice, for the raising up of the valleys and the lowering of the mountains to establish a level playing field. If all we see is the Jesus of the Hallmark card, I can understand why the message he taught gets overlooked.

But then again, if we are able to see God in the face of a helpless child, that is an incredibly powerful message. If we can see God in the face of a helpless child, maybe we will be better able to see Christ in the face of someone in need of help. Maybe our instinct to look out for each other, and care for each other, like we would a helpless child, will kick in. Maybe we will be able to get past the trappings of the marketers this Christmas season and realize what is important. Family. Friends. Strangers. Maybe we will learn to not be afraid. Just maybe we will love more and stress out less. Maybe we will be able to live lives understanding the commandment to Love our neighbours as ourselves.

And just maybe we will be able to embrace the joy and wonder of the incarnation, of the Word made flesh who came to dwell among us and teach us what it means to love.

Just maybe…

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Resources for poor students and those who don't want to buy the books!

I just came across an AMAZING resource -

it has some books reprinted online - no charge. Some are only a precis of the book, but some are the entire work!

Thought I'd just pass this along!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Tis the Season...

Today was a wonderful little service (well - not so little!) about 55 seniors came to the church today to celebrate Christmas, have sherry, lunch and a chance to chat with old friends. I got to preach - first time in the pulpit here. I have done sermons here before (most wednesday mornings) but I stand in the sanctuary and the congregation sits in the choir pews... standing in the pulpit is very different! But it went quite well - they could all hear me - it was wonderful! Here is my point form version of my sermon - I tried to not read it... it worked... for a bit - I have to work on that though...

Gospel: Luke 2:1-20

In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen

There was a man whose wife got sick and tired of always being the one who always bought the Christmas presents for all the kids, nieces and nephews, so she decided to delegate this responsibility to her husband. The husband HATED shopping so he figured that he’d get around this pretty handily if he just wrote a cheque to each one. He bought some nice Christmas cards – you know the kind – the ones with Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus on the front. So he wrote up the cards and said “Buy your own present!” packaged up the cards and mailed them off. He was so proud of himself – he had taken care of the entire shopping by the first of December. But as Christmas drew closer, he was getting a bit confused and a bit insulted that none of his nieces or nephews had written any thank you notes – his wife always got thank you notes. In fact, he noticed that they didn’t get nearly as many Christmas cards as he used to either. He was so perplexed that he went upstairs to his office to write a note to his favourite niece to see what happened. As he was moving boxes and papers out of his way, he saw it. A little stack of cheques. He had forgotten to put the cheques in the cards. That explained everything! Each of his nieces and nephews received empty cards filled with the words “Buy your own present!”

Without the cheque, the message takes on a whole other meaning!

In the account of the Birth of Jesus:
- The emperor calls for a census – everyone back to the town of your ancestors
- Mary travelling on the back of a donkey from Nazareth and Bethlehem
- They are turned away from the inns and given a place that had a manger where she could lay the baby when he was born
- Then the story goes out to the shepherds of the fields – and have visions of angels that tell them about the birth of the messiah in Bethlehem
- They go to see if it’s true
- All comes to a culmination of Mary and Joseph and a little baby wrapped in white cloth in an open air “barn” with cows and donkeys and other livestock sleeping curled up beside the baby. There is also often an angle hanging around at the roof – Gabriel – do not be afraid!

- This is the Christmas scene according to the greeting card companies

But just like the card that man’s family got – That’s only part of the story!
- Mary travelling stoically on the back of a donkey – 9 months pregnant
- between Nazareth and Bethlehem – 100 miles – did I mention she was 9 months pregnant??
- stable was probably a cave
- manger – hay – cows… lovely smell…
- If you’ve been in a barn – you know that the hymn we sang – Away in a Manger - that talks about “the Cattle are lowing” lowing is mooing… that is not a quiet thing especially in a CAVE! noise - animals
- smelly
- chaotic – for those of you who have had children – you know it’s not a peaceful calm setting!
This is God – Born into craziness.
Born into chaos.
Born into untideness.
Dirty, noisy, and messy.
Out of control.

Born to Mary who must have been scared out of her mind – here she is an unmarried 14 or 15 year old girl – a girl chosen by God to be the bearer of the messiah, the mother of the Christ child, the Prince of Peace. A simple girl that no one had ever heard of before – she could have said NO (in fact, I bet she wanted to say no!) But she didn’t. Though she didn’t have control over what happened. She embraced the words and said

“Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word”

Joseph didn’t have control over what happened either, but he chose to listen to the angel who came to him in the dream. He chose to embrace this crazy situation where he was not in control! He married Mary.

Mary was not in control – God was
Joseph was not in control – God was
We are not in control… as much as we would like to think we are – but God is.

God is born into our chaos.
Born into the untideness of our lives.
Born into the dirty, noisy, messy worlds we live in
Born into our out of control situations.

God was there in the beginning

God was there with Mary, and Joseph.

God was there in the manger.

God is with us here and now to teach us how to live,
how to love
and how to show an overwhelming compassion to everyone we meet.

May we all have the courage of Mary – to embrace the unknown and trust in the limitless love of God

To live our lives knowing that Jesus – the incarnate Word of God – is born into our messy lives and says

Do not be afraid to live.
Do not be afraid to laugh and cry and wonder.
Do not be afraid to love.

Do not be afraid.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

visitors from the east

Actually I think they came from the south... but east sounded more biblical.

They came.

We chatted.

They left me tracts...

Who were they? Jehova Witnesses Actually Roseanne and Mary were two quite lovely ladies that I chatted with this afternoon... for almost 45 minutes.

Conversations about why they don't celebrate Christmas... Easter or Birthdays! They were adament about the dates of Christmas being wrong... but the problem they couldn't get past is the simple fact that I don't believe that my faith in any way hinges on the birth of the Christ child, the birth of Jesus the Christ on December 25 (according to the Julian calendar!). I think I perpelexed them. In fact I know that I did. But I must say - I did have an enjoyable time discussing what they believe and throwing in my, all inclusive, loving, accepting God, theology just to watch them squirm... and squirm they did! As they left, I wished them a joyous Advent (something else that they don't celebrate...) but if they are coming to my door, into my house... they are going to have to let me have the last word!

What an amusing afternoon!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Acclamation, Genesis, Advent and Lego

So - it's official (well actually it was official on Tuesday, but I've been existing on caffine and not having a spare moment to write about it!) Jonathan and I will be the incoming co-heads of Divinity for 2007-2008. There was technically no election - no one else ran, so we were acclaimed! Trinity has been a truly amazing experience for me. I felt instantly welcomed, at chapel, in class, and wherever I went. I have the co-heads, who served when I first started to thank. I usually enjoy being lost in the crowd. I'm not a centre of attention kind of person - I often don't seem to have much to say... but don't think I don't have opinions about things - I just choose to pick my battles! But they welcomed me - a scared wallflower - and if I can do that for someone else - how amazing would that be! I am truly looking forward to it!

Went to my first Lit debate last night, was sworn in and listened and laughed as my fellow Divs debated a very topical issue of today's society.

Be it resolved that Genesis is a better band than book.

When all was said and done the impassioned speeches from our current co-head and our chaplain won... the motion stood - Genesis is a better band than it is a book... at least according to the Lit!

Tonight is our Advent party, lessons and carols Div style. Everyone is welcome, so we will probably have some of the undergrads (mostly because they have a party later called "bubbly" where they consume copious amounts of champagne) we have a potluck that is byob, so I'm off to the liquor store for a suppliment to my scotch...

Here is an interactive web site... The Brick Testament - the bible told in comic book freeze frame lego images... truly bizarre - someone has WAY too much time on their hands!

Monday, December 04, 2006

One more week

Wow - I stopped for a moment today and came to the realization that there is only one more week of classes. ONE MORE WEEK! We did our oral presentation in Leadership in the Church tonight - it went quite well if I do say so myself! I have a PPOL essay due on Wednesday, and 3 more essays due on Monday - I'm most worried about the one for Studies in Anglican Theology - It has to be 15 pages and I have yet to choose a topic. I think I may have to ask for an extension... I really don't want to (you don't understand - I really don't want to!) because this may be the first year that I dont' have exams or have to work at Xerox... no year end for me!

There is a table of undergrads discussing the nature of God sitting next to me. It is getting to be quite a lively conversation - I think they are studying for an exam.... they are talking about the modes of God, the substance of God, dualism... It is quite amusing to eavesdrop as I sit here and type... It is lovely to hear actually! Ahh... nope - they are taking Philosophy - and discussing Descartes... but I digress...

I'm devising a story for the kids tomorrow - St. Nicholas. I need to devise something that (according to Fr. Myles) is linear in thought. Stories that progress from point A to B to C and build upon each other - something that is descriptive so they can visualize the story - so they can see it... for me - this is very hard! I have a wonderful imagination, but there is some sort of very frustrating block that prevents me from describing the scene that I see in my mind when I tell the story.... May this time be better!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Emmanuel - God with us...

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Wisdom from on high,
Who orderest all things mightily;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satas tyrnanny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory over the grave.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, O come, great Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes on Sinai's height
In ancient times once gave the law
In cloud and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Root of Jesse's tree,
An ensign of Thy people be;
Before Thee rulers silent fall;
All peoples on Thy mercy call.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of all mankind;
Bid Thou our sad divisions cease,
And be Thyself our King of Peace.
Rejoice! Rejoice!Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Thank you cyberhymnal for the lyrics...

I've always LOVED this hymn. Even before I came back to church, this felt like Christmas to me... well before I realized the reason for Advent (the little Lent). The advent - the coming of Christ among us, to dwell with us, and to be in us...

We were teaching the kids this hymn in Chapel on Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week - and we had them substitute the Hebrew word for Wisdom in verse two... so instead of singing "O Wisdom" we sang "Sophia" and you know what? One of the kids remembered that Sophia meant wisdom FROM LAST ADVENT! I tell you - these kids give me great hope and I am privileged to be able to be among them and teaching them!

So Come, Christ the King. Come, crucified, risen and ascended Lord. Come, Child Bethlehem - Into our hearts and minds and souls and lives that we may always know your presence with us. That we may know that in life, in death and in life beyond death, your grace, compassion and love abide with us... and within us.