Saturday, December 09, 2006

visitors from the east

Actually I think they came from the south... but east sounded more biblical.

They came.

We chatted.

They left me tracts...

Who were they? Jehova Witnesses Actually Roseanne and Mary were two quite lovely ladies that I chatted with this afternoon... for almost 45 minutes.

Conversations about why they don't celebrate Christmas... Easter or Birthdays! They were adament about the dates of Christmas being wrong... but the problem they couldn't get past is the simple fact that I don't believe that my faith in any way hinges on the birth of the Christ child, the birth of Jesus the Christ on December 25 (according to the Julian calendar!). I think I perpelexed them. In fact I know that I did. But I must say - I did have an enjoyable time discussing what they believe and throwing in my, all inclusive, loving, accepting God, theology just to watch them squirm... and squirm they did! As they left, I wished them a joyous Advent (something else that they don't celebrate...) but if they are coming to my door, into my house... they are going to have to let me have the last word!

What an amusing afternoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you got the last and best words in to the pair.
