Friday, July 21, 2006

Update: 10:50 pm

but i'm not sad that I have lost that sense of control. In fact all of a sudden this feels like a fantastic adventure again. It feels like it did when I bought my condo. I gues now I can truly say that I've "been there and done that" I've had the high paying corporate job, the home, the "stuff" that society looks at when it evaluates what it is to be successful. I've had the "success" so to speak, and I know what I had, is not my definition of success. My definition now involves being able to say that someone didn't have to go through a cancer scare alone. That someone didn't have to wait in hospital for their loved one to die, alone. That I could listen, and care for another human being. That I could re-assure someone that they are loved and cared for. That I could take time to stop to simply watch the sunrise and truly marvel at the wonders of creation. That to me would be success.

1 comment:

Aurora said...

Those are good words to live by, and a good reminder to me as well! Like I'm learning again and again, perspective is key to balance, yeah?
I love how God shifts things in our lives slowly, until it seems everything is upside down and all the things we used to cling to somehow don't matter to us as much anymore...or maybe it's that God is showing us how to put our life right-side up for a change!
Like you and your condo, like me and moving to Bangor...none of it makes a whole lot of sense to the rational mind, but to us it is freedom to follow Christ and be obedient to the desires He placed on our hearts when we were created. Pretty cool, huh?
(Your blog is helping me see the bigger picture once again....thanks!) Much love.