Saturday, March 11, 2006

Books, books and well actually only two books!

I’ve been a busy little bee these past couple of days! I finished two books, wrote and essay and delivered an oral presentation! The books were fan-freakin-tastic!!

Primary Speech – A psychology of prayer by Ann & Barry Ulanov. It has extremely interesting insights into prayer and desire, fantasy (wishing things were different from the way they are), aggression (the positive and the negative connotations), sexuality (issues of maleness and femaleness within each of us).

Praying with Icons by Jim Forest. This is a very accessible introduction for anyone who has ever been curious about praying with icons. It is wide sweeping in content but clear and succinct in its execution without leaving the reader feeling lost in the vastness of the subject matter. The tone of most chapters is set by a quote whose authors range from biblical, to saintly to scholarly to ecclesial. This has many great lines – but one of my favourites links my Geography past to my Clerical future! (two facts that make the quote all the more interesting…)
- Water cannot be “created” and it cannot be “destroyed”, it just changes in location and in stage (water, steam, ice).
- It is believed that one litre of gasoline will contaminate 1 million litres of water!

So think about this….
“The water we bathe in, the water we drink, the water that is the main component of our bodies – every drop of water connects us with the water in which Jesus was baptized.”


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