Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ministry of presence.

What an honour it is to serve parishioners. To be able to facilitate worship through prayer and song and administering the host to the congregation in the morning, to conversations at coffee hour, it is truly an amazing privilege. One friend has not been able to be at church for various health reasons, and this afternoon his wife asked me if I would bring him communion at home. We sat in their living room, talked, prayed, and with his family, we shared in the bread and wine of holy communion from the reserve sacrament. I’ve never done this by myself before, and I know I will never forget the feeling of connectedness with God and with that family. Kairos time – God time.

I have to admit, I’m still kinda speechless.

1 comment:

Aurora said...

just checking in to say 'hey' and I love you!