Thursday, November 16, 2006

Affirmation of Faith

I found this quite lovely. I sometimes peruse the volunteer opportunities with the Iona Community - dreaming of when I can go back - the place calls me home... I miss it!

Here is the Affirmation of Faith as found in the August edition of the Coracle which is the quarterly magazine of the Iona Community

We believe that God is present
in the darkness before dawn;
in the waiting and uncertainty
where fear and courage join hands,
conflict and caring link arms,
and the sun rises over barbed wire.
We believe in a with-us God
who sits down in our midst
to share our humanity.
We affirm a faith
that takes us beyond the safe place;
into action, into vulnerability
and into the streets
We commit ourselves to work for change
and to put ourselves on the line;
to bear responsibility, take risks,
live powerfully and face humiliation;
to stand with those on the edge;
to choose life
and be used by the Spirit
for God's new community of hope.


By Jan Sutch Pickard (who was the Warden on Iona when I was a Volley there!)
and Brian Woodcock.

1 comment:

Aurora said...

I see you found my friends in Charlotte!
Nice quote, btw.
Much love, A.