Saturday, May 20, 2006


So... Classes have started for the summer. Religion and Politics, interesting combination, it's a really small class of 5 with two professors - the Dean and a former NDP MP are teaching it. Only two of us did our preparation for the second class, so I was forced into doing much more talking than I am used to - I know... it's good for me - doesn't mean I don't miss my fly on the wall impersonation that I do in other classes! I also got confirmation for my other class at the end of June. I'm off to Huron College in London Ontario to do a course through Queens Theological College - yes, the red tape and university bureaucracy was fun to get through! It's a course on Rural Ministry and taught by a priest in the Diocese of Huron who has spent the past 15 years or so in rural two or three point parishes. It should be interesting - classes start at 8:45am and go until 8:30pm with breaks for lunch and dinner. I will also be living on campus with my classmates (and the prof). She has suggested that our first outing on Monday night be to buy some communal groceries for breakfasts and lunches for the week - sounds like small town community to me already! We then have a field trip to a local rural parish. She gave an outline of the course and in her note, also named her home city as Lucan Ontario, and in doing this she unwittingly solved a mystery for me! I had never heard of Lucan Ontario before. Now, I have the bible from my great grandfathers ordination to the priesthood on Whitsunday June 8, 1919 at Holy Trinity Church, in a town that I had always been told was Lucknow (since that is where my great uncle said they once lived...). The writing is in old calligraphy pen ink, I had a hard time understanding how this could say Lucknow - no matter how I tried, there was no "k" in the city name. There is also no Holy Trinity Church in Lucknow - it's St. Paul's Trinity - so I just assumed perhaps that there had been a name change and they kept the Trinity part.... it was after all almost 90 years ago! But it turns out it wasn't Lucknow, it was Lucan and there is a Holy Trinity Church in Lucan! Ta Da! I'm going to see if we are going to go to Lucan on our field trip - it's not that far from London about 24 kilometers - I would love to see another church he served in!

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