Wednesday, December 28, 2005


So... here I sit feeling sorry for myself. It's rainy and yucky out and I'm stuck working (my favourite pasttime) while the rest of my family gathers, eats drinks and are merry over at Jan and Pete's. It's 8:47pm and my saving grace is that the system will go down in 13 minutes. I suppose I should be thankful that I can work from Sarnia, and not stay in Toronto, but I'm mildly bitter and feel like wallowing in it for a moment.
OK, I think I'm done.

The Essex clan arrived safe and sound and it's good to see Nic again. The really good part is to see the smile on Jan and Pete's faces. They are so happy to see their daughter. They arrived full of stories and tales of back home. I hope when they fly back the hole they left in the heart of her parents is more easily mendable...

I think I'll work on my postulancy essays again. Slowly, but, well, actually just slowly!

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